Brochure of the Tristar 3 and Tristar 5 Multimode Microplate Readers
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即可下载从用于定量DNA的UV光吸收或色氨酸荧光的UV激发,到远红或NIR(在选定的配置中)的测量,Tristar 3均可用于任何测定,并大大改善了旧版TriStar²的波长范围。
所有Tristar 3预先配置的模块都具有您执行BRET分析所需的功能:一流的发光灵敏度和高质量的滤光片系统。 要使用BRET,只需订购用于特定测定的升级模块:BRET1,BRET2,NanoBRET™或其他。
滤光片的特点是具有高透射率的特性,最高可达光栅的25倍。 诸如时间分辨荧光(TRF)之类的技术可以使用滤光片更有效地进行测量。
此外,具有大带宽的滤光片可用于分析具有宽光谱的荧光染料以及需要使用滤光片的所有基于发光的测定法,例如 BRET,BRET2和NanoBRET™检测。
系统的人体工程学设计为所有关键操作(例如进板,更换滤光片和连接试剂)提供了全面的前部通道。 试剂瓶可以存放在集成的前隔室中,以方便检修和查看。 它包含一个可移动的槽,可以在其中装满水或冰,以保持所有试剂的冷却。 提供不同的试剂管固定器,以确保安全处理昂贵的试剂。 该系统顶部有一个平坦的表面,提供了足够的空间来放下笔记本电脑。
运行样品时,您是否经常看到一些高强度样品被低强度孔包围? 然后,您可能会受到称为交叉干扰的现象的影响,这种现象可能会产生错误的结果,从而导致错误的结论。 Tristar 3的降低孔间干扰的设计几乎消除了这个问题:孔间干扰为10-6时,您不必担心高强度样品在板上的位置。
Tristar 3 最多可配备3个喷注式进样器,这些进样器在预检位或检测位置具有可变的体积。 喷注式进样器的超快进样速度消除了进样和测量之间的任何延迟,并能够测量快速反应,例如: 闪光发光。
曲线拟合、定性分析以及符合FDA 21 CFR Part 11的规定。
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伯托公司专家服务部提供了一支由专业且经过工厂培训的工程师和专家组成的团队,以优化您的生产效率。 我们和我们的当地合作伙伴将随时为您服务。
我们的技术支持科学家团队是您克服应用带来的独特挑战的合作伙伴。 与我们的团队联系,讨论您的测定或实验设计,数据分析问题,故障排除等。
QUANTIFYING DNA WITH THE QUANT-IT™ PICOGREEN® dsDNA KIT AND BERTHOLD TRISTAR MULTIMODE READERS The Quant-iT™ PicoGreen® dsDNA reagent is specific for dsDNA and is suitable for microplate readers. In combination with the Tristar 3 and Tristar 5 Multimode Microplate Readers, it allows the specific quantification of dsDNA in 96-well plates achieving a limit of detection below 0.1 pg/µL.
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MEASURING HTRF® ASSAYS WITH THE TRISTAR 5 MULTIMODE READER In this application note, the performance of the Tristar 5 multimode microplate reader is tested in 4 different HTRF® assays: TNFα and cAMP Gs HiRange (europium donor/red acceptor), IP-One Gq (Terbium donor/red acceptor) and cAMP HTPlex (Terbium donor/green acceptor). We conclude that the Tristar 5 performs well in all of them, as all required performance indicators are met.
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DLR™ VALIDATION OF THE TRISTAR 3 Validation of the Tristar 3 with the Dual-Luciferase® Reporter System from Promega.
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Transcreener FI ADP2 assay with the Tristar 5 Validation of the Tristar 5 Multimode Microplate Reader with the Transcreener® ADP2 FI Assay
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DLR™ VALIDATION OF THE TRISTAR 5 Validation of the Tristar 5 for the Dual-Luciferase® Reporter System from Promega.
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MONITORING MOLECULAR INTERACTIONS USING THE PROMEGA NANOBRET™ PROTEIN:PROTEIN INTERACTION SYSTEM AND THE TRISTAR MULTIMODE MICROPLATE READERS In this Application Note results confirm that Tristar Multimode Readers are suitable devices for use with the Promega NanoBRET™ Protein:Protein Interaction System.
PDF | 375.3 KB
Transcreener® Fluorescence Intensity Assay with the TriStar² S The compatibility of the Transcreener® Fluorescence Intensity Assay Kit for ADP is tested with the TriStar² S LB 942 Multimode Microplate Reader.
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Transcreener® GDP TR-FRET Red Assay with TriStar² S Validation of the TriStar² S Multimode Microplate Reader with the Transcreener® GDP TR-FRET Red assay
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Screening of GPCR antagonists using Ca2+ measurements and the TriStar² S 3 commercially available compounds are screened for P2Y2 receptor inhibition using the calcium mobilisation assay with two different fluorescent dyes measured on a TriStar² LB 942 multimode microplate reader.
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Monitoring circadian gene expression in micro-algae using the TriStar² We report how the Berthold TriStar² multimode microplate reader equipped with luminescence module, in combination with an external LED illumination adaptor, can be used to image circadian rhythms in the micro algae Ostreococcus tauri.
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Quant-iT™ Picogreen dsDNA 检测试剂盒与 Tristar 微孔板读数仪相结合,提供了一种快速、简单、准确的方法来定量检测样品中的 DNA。
该文献证实了 Tristar 微孔板读数仪适用于测量 NanoBRET™ 检测法,该检测法是 BRET 技术的优化,可增加信号,降低背景。
Promega 公司的 Dual-Luciferase Reporter® (DLR™) Assay System 是一种流行的商业化检测方法,使用萤火虫荧光素酶和海肾荧光素酶作为报告基因。Promega 的 DLR 检测法已在 Tristar 3 多模式微孔板读数仪上得到了验证。
检测器 |
检测技术 |
检测模式 | 终点,动力学,重复,光谱扫描,区域扫描(每孔最多100 x 100点) |
滤光片 | 高品质的干涉滤光片 |
滤光片处理 | 易于更换的滤光片条,每个滤光片条最多安装5个滤光片,可提供其他滤光片条 |
光学系统 | ONE-4-ALL光路 |
光源 | 氙气闪光灯 |
吸收光光谱范围 | 200-1000 nm |
发光光谱范围 | 标准配置: 280-650 nm 拓展模块: 280-850 nm |
荧光光谱范围 | 激发光谱范围: 200-1000 nm 发射光, 标准配置: 280-650 nm 发射光, 拓展模块: 280-850 nm |
进样器 | 多达3个喷注式进样器,无摩擦操作 |
进样器体积 | 10-100µL ,步进1µL |
进样速度 | 200 – 440 μL/sec |
进样器的准确性 | 优于2% |
进样器的精度 | 优于2% |
微孔板类型 | 6 - 384 孔 |
微孔板高度调整 | 基于微孔板类型的3种不同的框架 |
其他样本类型(可选) |
振荡 | 线性,轨道,双轨道,速度和直径可选择 |
温度控制 | 从室温+5°C到45°C,包括PMT冷却模块 |
气体连接 | 是(可选) |
光吸收精度 | 优于0.6% |
光吸收准确度 | 优于2% |
发光灵敏度 | <6 amol (0.03 pM) ATP/孔 (96孔板) |
荧光灵敏度 | <7 amol Fluorescein/孔 (384孔板) |
孔间干扰 | 10-6 (黑板) |
动力学范围 | >6个动力学范围 0-3.5 OD |
接口 | Windows操作系统,通过USB连接 |
操作系统 | Windows 10 |
可选软件包 | LightCompass®:用于数据采集、分析和报告的灵活软件 |
规则 | CE, NRTL |
电源 | 110-240 VAC ± 10% |
操作电压 | 24 VDC ± 5% |
功率 | 140 VA |
温度范围 | 储存: 0-40° C 操作: 15-35° C |
湿度范围 | 10-80% ,无凝结 温度高达31°C时最大相对湿度为80% 最高40°C时相对湿度 线性降低至50% |
海拔 | 最大2000米(高于海平面) |
尺寸 (W x D x H) | 391 x 470 x 344 mm |
重量 | 大约20 kg |
Brochure of the Tristar 3 and Tristar 5 Multimode Microplate Readers
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即可下载Brochure of the Tristar 3 Multimode Microplate Reader
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即可下载Validation of the Tristar 3 with the Dual-Luciferase® Reporter System from…
EN | PDF | 283.1 KB
即可下载Tristar multimode readers, in combination with the μDrop™ plate, enable the…
EN | PDF | 422.5 KB
即可下载In this Application Note results confirm that Tristar Multimode Readers are…
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即可下载The Quant-iT™ PicoGreen® dsDNA reagent is specific for dsDNA and is suitable for…
EN | PDF | 459.4 KB
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即可下载EN | PDF | 1.3 MB
即可下载A compilation of scientific articles using Mithras or Tristar microplate readers…
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即可下载Brochure of the Tristar 3 and Tristar 5 Multimode Microplate Readers
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即可下载Brochure of the Tristar 3 Multimode Microplate Reader
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即可下载Validation of the Tristar 3 with the Dual-Luciferase® Reporter System from…
EN | PDF | 283.1 KB
即可下载Tristar multimode readers, in combination with the μDrop™ plate, enable the…
EN | PDF | 422.5 KB
即可下载In this Application Note results confirm that Tristar Multimode Readers are…
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即可下载The Quant-iT™ PicoGreen® dsDNA reagent is specific for dsDNA and is suitable for…
EN | PDF | 459.4 KB
即可下载EN | PDF | 3.2 MB
即可下载EN | PDF | 1.3 MB
即可下载A compilation of scientific articles using Mithras or Tristar microplate readers…
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即可下载EXE | 69.2 MB
即可下载Tristar 3是一个非常新的仪器,因此使用它的论文还没有很多发表。在这里,你可以选择最近的文章。
Year | Authors | Journal | Title | Method |
2024 | Miaomiao Yan, Ang Su, Denise Meyer, Gleyder Roman Sosa, Henrik Fritsch, Malte Pitters, Nicole Fischer, Georg Herrler, Paul Becher | Emerging Microbes & Infections | Synthetic oligosaccharide binding assay | |
2024 | Annelotte van Dieren, Roland E Schwarzenbacher, Sophia Sonnewald, Andras Bittner, Ute C Vothknecht | Scientific Reports | Analysis of abiotic and biotic stress-induced Ca2+ transients in the crop species Solanum tuberosum | Aequorin luminescence |
2024 | Zhangcheng Chen, Jing Yu, Huan Wang, Peiyu Xu, Luyu Fan, Fengxiu Sun, Sijie Huang, Pei Zhang, He Huang, Shuo Gu, Bowen Zhang Yue Zhou, Xiaobo Wan, Gang Pei, H Eric Xu, Jianjun Cheng, Sheng Wang | Cell | Flexible scaffold-based cheminformatics approach for polypharmacological drug design | BRET |
2023 | Nils Mülling, Lukas van de Sand, Kim Völk, Ulrich Wilhelm Aufderhorst, Mark van der Linden, Peter A. Horn, Andreas Kribben, Benjamin Wilde, Adalbert Krawczyk, Oliver Witzke, and Monika Lindemann | Infection | ELISA | |
2023 | Martin J. Raftery, Alexander Sebastian Franzén, Clarissa Radecke, Abdelhadi Boulifa, Günther Schönrich, Sebastian Stintzing, Jens-Uwe Blohmer, Writing – review & editing, Gabriele Pecher | International Journal of Molecular Sciences | Next Generation CD44v6-Specific CAR-NK Cells Effective against Triple Negative Breast Cancer | Nano-Glo© luciferase assay system |
2023 | Hannah J. Stage, Susanne Trappe, Katharina Söllig, Dagmar S. Trachsel, Katharina Kirsch, Cornelia Zieger, Roswitha Merle, Jörg R. Aschenbach, Heidrun Gehlen | Animals | Glycerol 3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Assay | |
2023 | Sung-Bae Kim, Tadaomi Furuta, Genta Kamiya, Nobuo Kitada, Ramasamy Paulmurugan, Shojiro A. Maki | Sensors | Bright Molecular Strain Probe Templates for Reporting Protein–Protein Interactions | Luminescence of novel luciferases |
2022 | Ryotaro Nouda, Shohei Minami, Yuta Kanai, Takahiro Kawagishi, Jeffery A. Nurdin, Moeko Yamasaki, Ryusei Kuwata, Hiroshi Shimoda, Ken Maeda, and Takeshi Kobayashi | PNAS | Nano-Glo® HiBiT Lytic Detection System | |
2022 | Sinnberg T, Lichtensteiger C, Hill-Mündel K, Leischner C, Niessner H, Busch C, Renner O, Wyss N, Flatz L, Lauer UM, Hoelzle LE, Nohr D, Burkard M, Marongiu L, Venturelli S. | Antioxidants | Calcidiol ELISA | |
2022 | Long Cheng, Yan Wang, Jiawei Wang, Haibo Qin, Guangbiao Zhu, and Lingsong Tao | J Healthc Eng | MTS, ATP bioluminescent somatic cell assay kit |
Tristar 3是一种新的仪器,使用它的第一批论文还需要一些时间才能发表。你可以在出版物数据库中找到使用较早的Tristar仪器的其他出版物。
Tristar 3 Research 69173-10 | Tristar 3 Research Plus 69173-20 | Tristar 3 Research FL 69173-30 | Tristar 3 Research Plus FL 69173-40 | |
光吸收 | ||||
发光 | ||||
荧光(包括FRET)高达650纳米 | ||||
荧光(包括FRET)高达850纳米 | ||||
BRET/BRET2 | 可选 | 可选 | 可选 | 可选 |
温度控制 | ||||
LightCompass软件 |