我们针对SARS-CoV-2(COVID-19)研究的解决方案可帮助您围绕体外微孔板检测方法的开发和性能方面自动化和标准化所有重复步骤。 我们准备通过提供各种技术和系统解决方案来支持您的研究,这些技术和系统解决方案可以帮助您更快地开发针对COVID-19的新疗法和疫苗。 





在个体和相关感染的血液中检测SARS-CoV-2抗体对研究和诊断都非常有价值。在本应用说明中,我们描述了包括自动化ELISA工作站的Virotech SARS-CoV-2 IgG ELISA的自动化检测,这为检测SARS-CoV-2抗体提供了便捷的解决方案。



假病毒中和测定法是病毒学中经常使用的方法,因为它是衡量病毒感染率以及阻止病毒进入细胞的抗体或药物的有效性的有用工具。 最近,它已成为SARS-CoV-2研究的热门话题。 了解有关此方法以及测量该方法所需的仪器的更多信息。





  • 发光的报告病毒。
  • 使用BRET,FRET和TR-FRET进行相互作用研究。
  • 病毒抗原或宿主抗体的ELISA。


  • 病毒抗原或宿主抗体的ELISA。
  • 基于化学发光或荧光的免疫测定。
  • 使用ELISpot评估免疫反应。


疫苗,药物和其他治疗工具的开发涉及许多不同的任务,从免疫原表征到评估免疫反应或筛选化合物,病毒抗原或抗体。我们的酶标仪可为您的所有检测需求提供高度的灵活性和性能。此外, 我们提供了自动化的多合一ELISA系统,使您可以摆脱繁琐的免疫测定,而专注于其他重要活动。此类项目可能还涉及使用基于细胞的测定法来筛选抗体,抗原或化合物。这通常需要清洗并在微孔板中加入生长的大量细胞。我们的高通量微孔板洗板机可用于温和地清洗贴壁细胞,而得益于其内置的堆叠器,可快速高效地清洗30块板。



一旦开发,测试和优化了ELISA测试,就有必要制造会在全球实验室使用的试剂盒。 这需要用感兴趣的抗原或抗体(例如SARS-CoV-2抗原)包被微孔板,以进行血清学检测。 微孔板的包被涉及分液和洗涤大量微板。

Zoom HT包被系统包括高通量的洗板机和分液仪,由于其集成的单轨设计叠板机,每小时可以包被或者封闭250块板,每小时可清洗150块板(3次/ 板)。 

Zoom HT板式包被系统




许多用于研究血液中是否存在SARS-CoV-2抗体的测试是基于ELISA原理的。虽然ELISA测试比快速测试花费的时间要长得多,但有些ELISA测试是定量的,因此信息更丰富。自动ELISA系统减少了手动操作时间和人为错误。鳄鱼五合一自动ELISA工作站是低通量实验室自动化ELISA的简单解决方案。对于手工操作ELISA的实验室来说,Apollo 11是一个可靠的ELISA读数仪,它使用长寿命LED光源。



Tristar 5多模式微孔板读数仪


  • 先进的检测模式:光吸收,荧光(包括FRET),发光(包括BRET),时间分辨荧光(包括TR-FRET /HTRF®)和荧光偏振
  • 所有检测模式的性能均丝毫不减:ONE-4-ALL光学系统将多模态光学系统的稳定性和用户友好性与专用光学设备的灵敏性和多功能性相结合。
  • 灵活性和灵敏性:FlexTech光学器件可让您自由组合滤光器和可变带宽光栅。
  • 一流的发光性能
  • 超快速和精确的进样:最多3个采用JET进样技术的细胞友好型进样器
  • 满足法规要求:符合21 CFR part 11(带有MikroWin高级版本可选软件)


Zoom HT洗板机


  • 高通量清洗:集成式叠板机和单轨设计:每小时最高150板(3次/板)
  • 细胞友好:倾斜的分液头和高度可设置的洗涤参数
  • 维护成本低:独特的自排空液体排放系统减少了维护成本
  • 生物危害废物管理:自动添加去污解决方案
  • 灵活性:可处理多达4种不同的洗涤缓冲液




  • 超紧凑设计:市场上最小的ELISA工作站。 只有26.5厘米宽。
  • 便利性:适用于低至中等通量的实验室的简单ELISA自动化
  • 多合一系统:洗涤,加样,孵育,振荡和吸光度读数
  • 开放系统软件:适用于您的商业和定制化检测
  • 符合21 CFR part 11:使用MikroWin高级版本(可选软件) 


Apollo 11 ELISA读数仪


  • 长寿命光源:LED避免更换昂贵的灯泡
  • 光学灵活性:预先安装了405、450、492和595nm滤光片,外加2个空位用于定制滤光片
  • 自动控制:在每次测量之前对光学和电子设备进行自动检查和自动校准
  • 精度可重复性:精确的机械结构,优质的光学器件和自动控制功能可确保无与伦比的测量可重复性
  • 符合21 CFR part 11:使用MikroWin高级版本(可选软件)




Author and yearTitleInstrument
Batista et al. (2022)

Plastic Antibodies Mimicking the ACE2 Receptor for Selective Binding of SARS‐CoV‐2 Spike

Orion II Microplate Luminometer
Wu et al. (2022)

Short-Term Instantaneous Prophylaxis and Efficient Treatment Against SARS-CoV-2 in hACE2 Mice Conferred by an Intranasal Nanobody (Nb22)

NightOWL II In vivo Imaging System
Tauzin et al. (2022)

Evolution of Anti-RBD IgG Avidity following SARS-CoV-2 Infection

Tristar2 LB 942

(replaced by Tristar 3 Multimode Reader)

Paniskaki et al. (2022)

Immune Response in Moderate to Critical Breakthrough COVID-19 Infection After mRNA Vaccination

Centro Microplate Luminometer
Zhao et al. (2022)

5-Iodotubercidin inhibits SARS-CoV-2 RNA synthesis

Centro Microplate Luminometer
Tabata et al. (2021)

Convergent use of phosphatidic acid for hepatitis C virus and SARS-CoV-2 replication organelle formation

Mithras LB 940 Multimode Reader 

(replaced by Tristar 5 Multimode Reader)

Pfafenrot et al. (2021)

Inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus proliferation by designer antisense-circRNAs

Centro Microplate Luminometer
Zhao et al. (2021)

2-((1H-indol-3-yl)thio)-N-phenyl-acetamides: SARS-CoV-2 RNA-dependent RNA polymerase inhibitors

Centro XS Microplate Luminometer
Mathieu et al. (2021)

A Bioluminescent 3CLPro Activity Assay to Monitor SARS-CoV-2 Replication and Identify Inhibitors

Mithras LB 940 Multimode Reader

(replaced by Tristar 5 Multimode Reader)

Gong et al. (2021)

Contribution of single mutations to selected SARS-CoV-2 emerging variants spike antigenicity

Tristar² LB 942 Multimode Reader

(replaced by Tristar 3 Multimode Reader)

Stanojevic et al. (2021)

Spike-directed vaccination elicits robust spike-specific T-cell response, including to mutant strains

Centro Microplate Luminometer
Berguido et al. (2021)

Serological Detection of SARS-CoV-2 Antibodies in Naturally-Infected Mink and Other Experimentally-Infected Animals

Centro Microplate Luminometer
Wu et al. (2021)

A potent bispecific nanobody protects hACE2 mice against SARS-CoV-2 infection via intranasal administration

NightOWL II In vivo Imaging System
Woudenbeg et al. (2021)

Humoral immunity to SARS-CoV-2 and seasonal coronaviruses in children and adults in north-eastern France

Zoom HT Microplate Washer and Mithras² Multimode Reader

(replaced by Tristar 5 Multimode Reader)

Borobia et al. (2021)

Immunogenicity and reactogenicity of BNT162b2 booster in ChAdOx1-S-primed participants (CombiVacS): a multicentre, open-label, randomised, controlled, phase 2 trial

Centro Microplate Luminometer
Kinoshita et al. (2021)

Robust Antibody and T Cell Responses to SARS-CoV-2 in Patients with Antibody Deficiency

Centro Microplate Luminometer
Therrien et al. (2021)

Multicenter Evaluation of the Clinical Performance and the Neutralizing Antibody Activity Prediction Properties of 10 High-Throughput Serological Assays Used in Clinical Laboratories

Tristar² LB 942 Multimode Reader

(replaced by Tristar 3 Multimode Reader)

Sanders et al. (2021)

SARS-CoV-2 requires cholesterol for viral entry and pathological syncytia formation

Tristar² LB 942 Multimode Reader

(replaced by Tristar 3 Multimode Reader)

Plaper et al. (2021)

Coiled-coil heterodimers with increased stability for cellular regulation and sensing SARS-CoV-2 spike protein-mediated cell fusion

Orion II LB 965 Microplate Luminometer
Simon et al. (2021)

Prognostic Value of Bioactive Adrenomedullin in Critically Ill Patients with COVID-19 in Germany: An Observational Cohort Study

Centro Microplate Luminometer
Zhao et al. (2021)

A cell-based assay to discover inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 RNA dependent RNA polymerase

Centro XS Microplate Luminometer
Wang et al. (2021)

A conserved immunogenic and vulnerable site on the coronavirus spike protein delineated by cross-reactive monoclonal antibodies

Centro Microplate Luminometer
Gasser et al. (2021)

Major role of IgM in the neutralizing activity of convalescent plasma against SARS-CoV-2

TriStar² LB 942 Multimode Reader

(replaced by Tristar 3 Multimode Reader)

Li et al. (2021)

Corilagin inhibits SARS-CoV-2 replication by targeting viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase

Centro XS Microplate Luminometer
Ozono et al. (2021)

SARS-CoV-2 D614G spike mutation increases entry efficiency with enhanced ACE2-binding affinity

Centro Microplate Luminometer
Anna et al. (2020)

High seroprevalence but short-lived immune response to SARS-CoV-2 infection in Paris

Zoom HT Plate Washer and 

Mithras² Multimode Reader

(replaced by Tristar 5 Multimode Reader)

Bestle et al. (2020)

TMPRSS2 and furin are both essential for proteolytic activation of SARS-CoV-2 in human airway cells

Centro Microplate Luminometer
Burbelo et al. (2020)

Sensitivity in Detection of Antibodies to Nucleocapsid and Spike Proteins of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 in Patients With Coronavirus Disease 2019

Centro Microplate Luminometer
Burbelo et al. (2020)

Detection of Nucleocapsid Antibody to SARS-CoV-2 is More Sensitive than Antibody to Spike Protein in COVID-19 Patients

Centro Microplate Luminometer
Conzelmann et al. (2020)

An enzyme-based immunodetection assay to quantify SARS-CoV-2 infection

Orion II LB 965 Microplate Luminometer
Conzelmann et al. (2020)

Salivary extracellular vesicles inhibit Zika virus but not SARS-CoV-2 infection

Orion II LB 965 Microplate Luminometer
Cortese et al. (2020)

Integrative Imaging Reveals SARS-CoV-2-Induced Reshaping of Subcellular Morphologies

Mithras LB 940 Multimode Reader

(replaced by Tristar 5 Multimode Reader)

Ding et al. (2020)

Antibody Binding to SARS-CoV-2 S Glycoprotein Correlates with but Does Not Predict Neutralization

TriStar LB 941 Multimode Reader

(replaced by Tristar 3 Multimode Reader)

Elledge et al. (2020)

Engineering luminescent biosensors for point-of-care SARS-CoV-2 antibody detection

Junior LB 9509 Portable Luminometer
Keller et al. (2020)

SARS-CoV-2–specific T cells are rapidly expanded for therapeutic use and target conserved regions of the membrane protein

Centro Microplate Luminometer
Lampasone et al. (2020)

Antibody response to multiple antigens of SARS-CoV-2 in patients with diabetes: an observational cohort study

Centro Microplate Luminometer
Lu et al. (2020)

Real-Time Conformational Dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 Spikes on Virus Particles

Tristar 3 Multimode Reader
Li et al. (2020)

SARS-CoV-2 and Three Related Coronaviruses Utilize Multiple ACE2 Orthologs and Are Potently Blocked by an Improved ACE2-Ig

Tristar 5 Multimode Reader
Prévost et al. (2020)

Cross-Sectional Evaluation of Humoral Responses against SARS-CoV-2 Spike

TriStar² LB 942 Multimode Reader

(replaced by Tristar 3 Multimode Reader)

Schöler et al. (2020)

A Novel In-Cell ELISA Assay Allows Rapid and Automated Quantification of SARS-CoV-2 to Analyze Neutralizing Antibodies and Antiviral Compounds

Mithras² LB 943 Multimode Reader

(replaced by Tristar 5 Multimode Reader)

Temmam et al. (2020)

Absence of SARS-CoV-2 infection in cats and dogs in close contact with a cluster of COVID-19 patients in a veterinary campus

Centro XS Microplate Luminometer
Wang et al. (2020)

A human monoclonal antibody blocking SARS-CoV-2 infection

Centro Microplate Luminometer
Yamamoto et al. (2020)

The Anticoagulant Nafamostat Potently Inhibits SARS-CoV-2 S Protein-Mediated Fusion in a Cell Fusion Assay System and Viral Infection In Vitro in a Cell-Type-Dependent Manner

Centro XS Microplate Luminometer
Zhang et al. (2020)

α-Ketoamides as Broad-Spectrum Inhibitors of Coronavirus and Enterovirus Replication: Structure-Based Design, Synthesis, and Activity Assessment

Mithras LB 940 Multimode Reader

(replaced by Tristar 5 Multimode Reader)
